Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I'm finding life a tad bit difficult right now. God is trying to grow me in some specific ways and satan really doesn't like that. I'm feeling the constant struggle. It's a battle as to whether I'll get what God is trying to tell me today or if satan and my selfish thoughts will get in the way. It doesn't help that this is the end of the semester. I feel like I'm just going day by day, trying to accomplish a long list of tasks to finish out the semester. Nothing is really happening except time is passing by. I'm living for next Thursday when I can put the whole thing behind me and just enjoy life again. It's not to say that I don't enjoy certain things in my life right now, it's just that life has become very monotonous with nothing to spice it up.

Which brings me to my next point. This blog was supposed to be about getting me to take more pictures. That is something that I have always enjoyed doing and that has brought entertainment and something fun to my life. But I get so busy with "life" (school, work, homework) that I miss the opportunities set before me to see the beauty and capture that. I am mulling over a plan. It will only add to my busy, insane life that I have planned for next semester, but it might just help in a way too. Stay tuned for more...

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